Well Water Treatment
A simple water sample can reveal which minerals in your well water that may be causing issues, such as that pesky iron ring that may see in your fixtures. Arcadia Drilling has over 500 filtration customers and are happy to see if they can help.
Most Common Mineral Issues Found In Well Water

Tannins are an organic chemical found in plants. They can turn your water to an iced tea color and leave light staining. They also can affect the taste of food and beverages. Commonly found in wells that are near water sources such as lakes, swamps, rivers or salt water.
Tea colored water and light staining. They can also stick to filtration media causing it to load up if not removed.

Manganese is a naturally occurring mineral that is present in soils, rocks, and sediment. It is essential to human nutrition in small doses, but can be unhealthy if consumed in concentrations as little as 0.5 parts per million.
Manganese, even in low levels, can cause staining of household fixtures, discolored water, and dark scale in pipes and water heaters and blacken sediment filters (as shown in photo). It can cause a brown/black buildup in dishwashers and can cause laundry staining. High concentrations of manganese will give water an unusual taste and give off a musty or metallic odor.

Although iron is a necessary metal for human growth, it will also cause staining at low levels. Staining and water color could be red, brown or orange and give the water a foul taste and smell.
Staining in fixtures, laundry staining and metallic taste

Suspended matter in water including mud, clay, silt and sand can ruin seats, seals and moving parts in appliances.
Turbidity can ruin seats, seals and moving parts in your appliances

PH Imbalance
The PH of your water is a measurement of the degree of acidity or alkalinity. Generally for potable water, a PH between 7 & 8.5 is desirable.
Low PH can cause blue to green stains on metal surfaces and can eat metal pipes

Hardness will cause scale build up in pipes and water heaters causing soap curd on fixtures, tile, dishes, laundry and leave your freshly washed car spotty. Also, the harder your water is the more soap you need to use for cleaning.
Hard water will cause scale build up in pipes and water heaters causing soap curd on fixtures, tile, dishes, laundry and leave your freshly washed car spotty. Also, the harder your water is the more soap you need to use for cleaning.

Bacteria, viruses, and parasites can be found all over the surface of our planet and are found in human sewage and animal waste. Water run-off from rainfall or snow-melt can contaminate private wells by washing microorganisms into the well system or seeping underground. Leakage of waste from underground storage tanks and effluent from septic leach fields can reach a water source and result in microorganisms being present in water wells.
People that consume drinking water containing microorganisms can experience gastrointestinal illnesses and infections.